So here we have the almost mandatory New Years Resolutions and plans (Happy New Year to all you guys and gals by the way). A great deal of projects can be started and put on hold as a year rolls by, promises to make more tournaments are made and of course the big one: The optimistic intention to fully paint a army this year!
Ok time to cut to the chase, what is on the 14th Legion table for 2011? Well news does not stop and wargaming fanatics will have by now seen many nice and shiny toys from multiple companies. The one that appeals to me in particular is the Khador War wagon, essentially a pill box on wheels pulled by the same giant horses that are ridden by Man O War into battle, whats not to like? Like the Behemoth before it, this figure looks set to be a one off character centre piece on a unique 120mm circular base, it is also the focal release of the upcoming "Wrath" expansion. To date three of the faction war engine designs have been been made public, needless to say Khador comes back to the forefront of amidst all the Blindwater releases.
New Year's Vow: Paint some Khador and finish Blindwater Collection