Finally I have gotten down to some serious painting for myself after weeks of real life distractions, commissions and of course general procrastination. At the start of this year I made a start on some major conversions for a Pre-Heresy Death Guard army, and while I enjoyed every minute working on the figures, I did not enjoying the prospect of painting yet another power armour army. At the time I had made a few major purchases, all Nurgle, and I felt it would be a shame not to be able to use them at all. Luckily over summer (in between all the Warmachine gaming) I was able to finish one of my trio of Blight Drones, but unfortunately most people I play with do not allow the use of Forge World rules (so into the cabinet they go). With those out of the way I am left with: Plague Ogryns (three), Great Unclean One, Mamon Daemon Prince and of course the Plague Hulk. The Mono-Nurgle List I am running, uses all but one of these figures, so Mamon goes back into the box while the very impressive Great Unclean One, Plague Hulk and Plague Ogryn sit on my desk awaiting cleaning/paint.