May was a very busy month with the launch of the 14th Legion Blog and June is looking to be just as hectic. Last month I showed a few works in progress shots of my Heresy era Death Guard army and discussed other potential figures/armies I would be adding to my collection throughout this year. The Death Guard received further reinforcements this morning in the form of Forge World's Plague Hulk. I only got a quick peek at it, but I was very impressed with what I saw, the intention is to use it as a close combat Defiler under the current Chaos Space Marines codex and on a more random note, I realise that the Plague Hulk signals the completion of my Forge World Nurgle purchases.
Forge World's Nurgle range has been the main reason for me to get back into 40K and painting, and I hope that in the future they release more for this range or that perhaps Games Workshop follows suit and produce high quality Chaos figures with a Legion based rules set.