Wow, it is a really nice outside today, there is nothing quite like doing a bit of painting int he sun, that is until a bug flies into the paint! Sadly today's update will be Empire only as Lorna is on holiday to see family, so no Undead. However I can see on her shelf 10 fully built skeletons and a bunch of boxes open and ready for assembly.
I have made a number of additional purchases this week to add to my growing Empire army. I managed to pick up an excellent deal for original (1990's) Empire Outriders, which were some of my favourite fantasy figure at the time so I look forward to working on those. The unit is quite large at 10 figures (5 are in the post), but realistically I can see myself using between 5 - 8 in my games. Despite the other more solid Special options, these figures have a place in my Nuln army, simply because I like the look of them and in (game) theory they should provide some nasty opening turns fire support. I also decided to go ahead and order a War Altar, another Warrior Priest and finally a Witch hunter. Those are still in the post and I managed to get the lot with a £15.00 discount due to a hiccup with a previous order.